Saturday, August 22, 2009

My view on Pornography

Pornography or porn is the depiction of explicit sexual subject matter for the purposes of sexual excitement. It is an industry that produces and consumes great number of social attitudes more tolerant to sexual portrayals. Pornography use a wide range of media, from printed literature, photos, sculpture, drawing, painting, animation, sound recording, film, video, or video games. Pornography comes in genres and some popular ones includes amateur, fetish, orgy, race-oriented and so forth.

I see pornography as performing art in random peculiar ways. It may look strange seeing it at first but when you get the hang of what it really means and what they are actually doing, it’ll become a norm to especially today’s world and of course, the men (worldwide!). And it also depends on how you see it. It may become an embarrassment or even an offence for some religions/individual.

There’s actually nothing wrong with pornography. You see it or you don’t, it’s your own choice. From my point of view, children under the age of 12 should not be exposed to pornography because I think it’s quite dangerous. Most particularly to children these days cause they easily pick up anything and re-enact what they see in television or elsewhere without knowing what it actually is but a little kissing scene won’t hurt. :) Parents should be aware of the well-being of their children (under the age of 12) and monitor carefully what they are watching.

Porn has a legal status in major porn producer countries like the United States, Brazil and Japan. There, “porn-star” is considered as a career with most of them being highly paid. In 2005, revenue statistics of the pornography industry in the US reached US$4.28 Billions in video sales and rentals alone which exceed the combined revenues of popular TV stations like ABC and NBC so it’s quite a big thing there! Pornography should not be entirely banned. It may be a source of education for couples with sex problems or for some, it is just another source of entertainment but child pornography is a straight NO!

Pornography may/could lead to addiction. It okay to be addicted (in a way) as long as it doesn’t affect your daily life and it doesn’t hurt others. You know who you are and what’s best for yourself and try to be in control and not being carried out by what you see and make sure it doesn’t lead to you doing something bad.

A gentle reminder: if you really want to watch porn, watch it in your own private time and place. Seriously, no one wants to see you watching them!



  1. Syah, you're definitely right! I think parents should be responsibilities in what their children doing. They have to put filtered in their PC so that children does not enter porn websites easily.

  2. yupp, children below 12 should not be exposed to porn as like what you said, will re-enact what they seen. total exclusion from porn though is also wrong, when the child has grown into a teenager, parents should take the chance to educate them on how to deal with porn, how wrong it is to conduct wrongful sexual acts such as posting naked pictures of themselves or making videos of such and streaming them on the Net. what they do not realise is that, this will jeapordise their future in finding a job as employers can easily find any shady info about them through the Net.
