Sunday, August 16, 2009

Games under attack: Addiction and Violence

Now, computer already become a 'toy' for our new generation. They rather spend time on playing computer games then study. many game company had create different kind of video games especially games that contain violence issue. those might be killing monster or killing people. from my research, the top 10 of violent games are Resident Evil 4, Grand Theft Auto, God of War, NARC, Killer 7, The Warriors, 50 Cent, Crime Life, Condemned and True Crime.

Few year ago, a game name Counter Strike is famous among the video games. it is a game that killing people with guns and try to rescue the innocent. money will be given to the people who success them. In that time, many teenagers even children were crazy about it. this game had make them crazy for money and they enjoy killing very much.

if our young generation indulgence those game, they will be very greedy and realistic. they will crazy money no meter they had done something right or wrong.

beside that, they will think that killing people is not crime but try to get something they need. this is really bad ans selfish. we can see that many crime had happen in our daily life. in my opinion, violence video games really comes many bad effect to us.


  1. I agree on what you mention just now. Computer already became a toy or tool for gaming more then doing some other stuff. It just depends on the children. How they make use of the computer or what they do by using computer. Some of them rather use to play games then using for education purpose. Some of them don't even like games. By this, we can see that it just depends on how the attitude of the kids.

  2. yes, i do agree on what u said. Many people, especially students enjoy playing games that consist killing. Sometimes, even these kids try to do the action in the real life to their friends.
