Saturday, August 22, 2009

My position on pornography

Pornography is seen, read and hear in various types of media. To determine whether pornography is an immoral entertainment or an art, it is depending on the culture and religion of a person to interpret it. It is also depending on how the media creator presents the idea on pornography.

On my own thought, pornography is alright as long as it does not deteriorate a person due to the obsession. It is because when obsession hits on the person, it may cause the person to cheat on their partner in order to satisfy their fantasy they saw in pornography. Some, worse still may cause a marriage end up with divorce. Besides, it may cause a person's fantasy to become out of control that they act it out which may be a rape case or molestation whether to an adult or a child.

On the other hand, on the first thought, women are exploited in pornography in order to generate billion dollars revenue annually. On the second thought, when a woman is willingly to perform or exhibit their 'baby suit' in exchange for a high-pay cheque, then it is their freedom in their choice of living.

However, if pornography involves a child, it is totally unacceptable to me. It is a child sexual abuse. Using children in pornography is a crime that is growing rapidly. Irresponsible pornographers exploit children even infants and toddlers in order to bank-in multi-billion dollars in their account by distributing recordings of the sexual act between the child. Where is the humanity in them? Have not they thought about their own children? Does they know that it may affect a child's psychology? A sexually abused child may misinterpret on sexuality that it is suppose to be a healthy way of expressing affection between two partners. More worse, it could affect a child's trust and his/her future of having a healthy relationship with others.

As for the matter of children watching pornographic images, it could be an early sex education to them. But, providing that the images is already been filtered by their parent and the parent is by their side when those images are introduce to them. When a receives early sex education, it could prevent unwanted pregnancy and disease as well as keeping them safe from sexual abuse.



  1. I do agree with Wei Yee's last point. Children as in young teens should be exposed to minor porn which had been filtered by parents for sex education purposes. They will have the knowledge about sex and will not be naive and easily cheated by sexual abusers. This saves them from being a victim of sexual abuse and also preventing them to be a young parent.

  2. yes yes, i totally agree that children should be exposed to minor porn as this will at least educate them about it. as the usual phenomenon goes, the more you hide, the more people wanna find out about it. and this could be effective way to educate children because they will feel uncomfortable when parents talk about topics like this with them and it will stick in their minds!!

  3. yup. children or teenagers is not mature to watch porn but once their parent educate them will the correct way, they will not easily to 'pollute' their mind
