Sunday, August 23, 2009


According to Statistics form The Star, it compiled since 2005 showed that the number of girls below 16 years old who are sexually active has been increasing every year!

Statistics from 2005 to 2008 showed 75% of the rape victims were below 18 years old and at least 60% of the girls were below 16. Boys below 18 made up between 8.4% and 13.6% of the “rapists”.

those data is increasingly every which means that most of our young generations have early sex.
in my opinion, media do effect them because the young generation would like to stick with it which contain many negative content. for example, almost all the hollywood movies include sexual scene and make our natually curious teen try to mimic it.besides of that, teenagers would like to search porn video online. they rather spend time to do such meaningless things then study.

i think porn should be limit among children especially from western country. they are too open mind untill most of their teenager have a lot of freedom to do anything they want include rape.
since our crime rate is always increase, all of us hav the responsibility to help and led our young generation to the right way. as we know that the young generation is playing the an important role to the future.

in my opinion, i think that porn website should be block. parents should pay more attention to educate their child but not blame all this to the school and teachers.

teens and porn

Pornography is the depiction of explicit sexual subject matter for the purposes of sexual excitement. And pornography or porn for short has been existing amongst us since early civilisation, what used to be an act intertwined closely with some religious acts such as in Asian countries like India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Japan and China where representations of sex and erotic art have specific spiritual meanings within the native religions of Hinduism, Buddhism, Shinto and Taoism. It even is a common scene in ancient Rome till the Victorians came and tried to hide away the frank sexual depictions of the Romans (which are only available for the upper class) and since then the world's first law criminalizing pornography was enacted by the Parliament of the United Kingdom in 1857 in the Obscene Publications Act.

as taken from Reader's Digest (July 2009), "Kids as young as 11 and 12 have been discovered taking compromising photos of themselves and sending those shimmering pixels over their phones and computers. More than a few incidents have made the nightly news. In February, for example, a 15-year-old girl from central Pennsylvania faced charges for possessing, distributing, and creating child pornography after she sent topless photos of herself to a man on MySpace; the man, 27, was also charged. Last year, an 18-year-old Orlando, Florida, teen began serving five years' probation and had to register as a sex offender after forwarding naked photos of his then-16-year-old ex-girlfriend to her friends, teachers, and relatives. And six middle school boys in Massachusetts were questioned by police after they passed around a picture of a half-naked 13-year-old classmate on their mobiles."

yes we can obviously conclude that pron has brought nohing but negative impacts to our young generation. and yes, i agree that there shouldbe some limitation to the accessibility of porn on the Net. There should be extreme measures taken to limit accessibility of porn for teenagers below the age of 18 (or maybe even 21). There should be firm control on porn accessiblity but i dont think it's necessary to the extent of banning the whole thing.

porn has been a taboo for a long time and it is a taboo because of the elderly preceiving it as something rude and degrading to be exposed publicly. We perceive it something negative, when the reality is, is porn itself something negative? the cases mentioned above happened because teens who are clearly not known for their 'great judgement' abuse the accessibility of porn. Abuse as in using it for the wrong purposes, then it is no wonder that grown ups and the government see the need to amend laws to control these acts.

As taken from Reader's Digest again, ''It's pretty appalling,'' says Pamela Paul, the author of Pornified: How Pornography Is Transforming Our Lives, Our Relationships, and Our Families. ''Among girls and boys, porn has become increasingly accepted, even kind of cool.'' And with ''the American Idol-isation of the culture, where everyone can be a star,'' she says, it's almost inevitable that kids would be tempted to cross the line into interactive porn. ''Every form of media has become interactive. Why shouldn't porn be as well?'' she laments."

So, as a conclusion, i think there should be firm limitations to the protection for porn, but only for those are below the age of 18 or maybe even 21. Again perents can help but taking control over the situation, ensuring that thier child are not doing wrongful acts from watching porn. Here are websites that can help parents control their child from watching unwanted sites on the internet:

  • Crayon Crawler is a browser you can download to provide a safe and secure environment for children to navigate the Internet, send e-mail, play games, and participate in real-time chat.
  • is a child-friendly content-filtering web browser that parents can implement on the home PC to ensure kids do not end up on unsavoury sites.
  • sells software that can be downloaded to your kid's mobile phone and computer to alert you if he or she is sending inappropriate texts or photos.
  • Safe Eyes, from, lets you track your child's instant messaging, monitor social network­ing sites, and impose limits on his or her online minutes.
  • Cell Phone Spy Elite, a device from, retrieves deleted text messages from mobile phones.

What is your position on pornography ? Is it legally protected expression. Would you limit the protection?

Pornography has been with us for a long time and it comes with many different types of media such as drawings, photos, paintings, animation, sound recordings, film, or video games. Mass-distributed pornography is as old as the printing press. Almost as soon as photography was invented, it was being used to produce pornographic images. Some claim that pornography has been a driving force in the development of technologies from the printing press, through photography (still and motion), to video, satellite TV, DVD, and the Internet.

In my opinion, pornography is fine as long as there is a limit. Parents are responsible for their children's safety and they should be aware of what internet websites their children may visit. Children, especially teenagers are often curious for sexually-explicit content and they may visit porn websites, or chatting with bad guys on the social media. It is necessary to install computer monitoring software to monitor websites visited by children, and prevent them from giving out personal information, talking to strangers, or using email and instant messaging to chat with bad guys.

Some studies support the contention that the viewing of pornographic material may increase rates of sexual crimes. Exposure to pornography frequently may results in sexual illness, unplanned pregnancies, and also sexual addiction. Most of us find it difficult to talk to our children about sex in general, let alone the harmful effects of pornography, as graphically described in this chapter. We want to protect the innocence and purity of childhood for as long as possible.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

My view on Pornography

Pornography or porn is the depiction of explicit sexual subject matter for the purposes of sexual excitement. It is an industry that produces and consumes great number of social attitudes more tolerant to sexual portrayals. Pornography use a wide range of media, from printed literature, photos, sculpture, drawing, painting, animation, sound recording, film, video, or video games. Pornography comes in genres and some popular ones includes amateur, fetish, orgy, race-oriented and so forth.

I see pornography as performing art in random peculiar ways. It may look strange seeing it at first but when you get the hang of what it really means and what they are actually doing, it’ll become a norm to especially today’s world and of course, the men (worldwide!). And it also depends on how you see it. It may become an embarrassment or even an offence for some religions/individual.

There’s actually nothing wrong with pornography. You see it or you don’t, it’s your own choice. From my point of view, children under the age of 12 should not be exposed to pornography because I think it’s quite dangerous. Most particularly to children these days cause they easily pick up anything and re-enact what they see in television or elsewhere without knowing what it actually is but a little kissing scene won’t hurt. :) Parents should be aware of the well-being of their children (under the age of 12) and monitor carefully what they are watching.

Porn has a legal status in major porn producer countries like the United States, Brazil and Japan. There, “porn-star” is considered as a career with most of them being highly paid. In 2005, revenue statistics of the pornography industry in the US reached US$4.28 Billions in video sales and rentals alone which exceed the combined revenues of popular TV stations like ABC and NBC so it’s quite a big thing there! Pornography should not be entirely banned. It may be a source of education for couples with sex problems or for some, it is just another source of entertainment but child pornography is a straight NO!

Pornography may/could lead to addiction. It okay to be addicted (in a way) as long as it doesn’t affect your daily life and it doesn’t hurt others. You know who you are and what’s best for yourself and try to be in control and not being carried out by what you see and make sure it doesn’t lead to you doing something bad.

A gentle reminder: if you really want to watch porn, watch it in your own private time and place. Seriously, no one wants to see you watching them!


My position on pornography

Pornography is seen, read and hear in various types of media. To determine whether pornography is an immoral entertainment or an art, it is depending on the culture and religion of a person to interpret it. It is also depending on how the media creator presents the idea on pornography.

On my own thought, pornography is alright as long as it does not deteriorate a person due to the obsession. It is because when obsession hits on the person, it may cause the person to cheat on their partner in order to satisfy their fantasy they saw in pornography. Some, worse still may cause a marriage end up with divorce. Besides, it may cause a person's fantasy to become out of control that they act it out which may be a rape case or molestation whether to an adult or a child.

On the other hand, on the first thought, women are exploited in pornography in order to generate billion dollars revenue annually. On the second thought, when a woman is willingly to perform or exhibit their 'baby suit' in exchange for a high-pay cheque, then it is their freedom in their choice of living.

However, if pornography involves a child, it is totally unacceptable to me. It is a child sexual abuse. Using children in pornography is a crime that is growing rapidly. Irresponsible pornographers exploit children even infants and toddlers in order to bank-in multi-billion dollars in their account by distributing recordings of the sexual act between the child. Where is the humanity in them? Have not they thought about their own children? Does they know that it may affect a child's psychology? A sexually abused child may misinterpret on sexuality that it is suppose to be a healthy way of expressing affection between two partners. More worse, it could affect a child's trust and his/her future of having a healthy relationship with others.

As for the matter of children watching pornographic images, it could be an early sex education to them. But, providing that the images is already been filtered by their parent and the parent is by their side when those images are introduce to them. When a receives early sex education, it could prevent unwanted pregnancy and disease as well as keeping them safe from sexual abuse.
